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Posted on January 25th 2019
Y5 Workshop with MetroBank
This week Metro bank visited HPACP for our first workshop. We learnt about how we earn money and what adults do with it. We learnt lots of language that is used in banks (did you know that ATM means automated teller machine?). To demonstrate savings and interest we were each given a grape at the beginning of the session; those of us who didn’t eat it were given another grape at the end. Those of us who had eaten their grapes felt quite sad, but learnt a valuable
lesson. We learnt about safety deposit boxes to keep our valuables safe and that the bank uses a vault to keep its valuables safe. We added up money that had been collected in “a magic money machine”. Metro banks all have a magic money machine which sorts and adds up change that you put into it. We can’t wait for our next session and our visit to the bank, when we will get to see the vault! Mrs. Horsnell