Latest News
Posted on May 25th 2018
Year 6 Rehearsals until 5pm
In case you have not heard, o r been blown over by the sheer excitement happening in year 6 right now, be prepared...our Y6 production this year is none other than the fantastically challenging and hear-warming 'Hairspray', which will be shown on the 17tha nd 18th July. A musical with a powerful theme of equality, standing against what is wrong and standing up for what is right. The children have shown such amazing energy already as they have auditioned for parts and taken a brave step in singing solo to secure parts. Well done to everyone. It is already proving to be one event you will not want to miss.
However, to ensure the production reaches our usual standard of 'exceedingly, abundantly, above' all we can think or imagine then we need to practise hard. Our Year 6 children are used to hard work -they have done it all year, so please can you ensure that they attend all rehearsals which will take throughout the day plus three days a week until 5 pm every Tuesday. Many thanks.