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Posted on December 4th 2015

Harris Primary Academy Coleraine Park, opening a nursery class and admissions arrangements

The Governing Body is undertaking a consultation on a proposal to open a nursery class from April 2016 and to change our admissions arrangements from September 2017. Details are set out below. The consultation runs until 31st January 2016. If you have comments please email us at info@harrisprimarycolerainepark.org.uk or write to us at the school address letting us know your views.

Harris Primary Academy Coleraine Park is consulting on two proposals:

  1. The proposal to open a nursery with 26 full time equivalent places with effect from April 2016. This is in anticipation of the introduction of the entitlement of some parents to 30 hours of free nursery/childcare and an increase in demand for nursery places. Haringey LA are bidding to be an early implementer Authority and if agreed will implement the new policy from September 2016.Coleraine Park does not have a nursery but has a high proportion of pupils with levels of deprivation and is looking for the opportunity to work with many of its children from an earlier age to improve their language and social skills and general  readiness for school by age of entry to Reception;


  1. If the nursery does open, the school would also wish to take advantage of the freedoms introduced in the latest Admissions Code to change their admissions arrangements to give priority, after looked after children and siblings, to children who have attended the Coleraine Park nursery and qualify for one of the pupil premiums. If adopted after consultation, this proposal would take effect from September 2017.

We are undertaking this consultation in the period to 31st January 2016 so that the Governing Body can make final decisions on both proposals in February 2016 in the light of the comments they receive.

Please let me have any comments you may have by 31st January 2016.

The full proposed admissions arrangements and details of the consultation can be read here.