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Don’t forget to bring your tombola donations to the office ahead of our Summer BBQ! Please mark them for the attention of FOPL!


Keturah in 2 Donaldson with her amazing poster. She made this to persuade her classmates to vote for her as our class librarian and was elected by a landslide! Find out about the role in the newsletter this week!


Please be aware that ALL YEAR GROUPS are welcome on ALL DAYS of our movie clubs next week (Mon - Thurs). We can’t wait to see you there! 🍿🎥


Our latest newsletter is out now!


Year 1 loved visiting the this week! Find out all about their visit in the newsletter tomorrow! 📰


So much fun at Bibliobuzz book awards 2023 at Alexandra Palace!📚


Bibliobuzz book awards 2023 at Alexandra Palace. Over the last 8 weeks the children have read six books as part of the bibliobuzz book awards. They then voted for their favourite book and the winning author will be announced today at the ceremony. 📚


Read all about Science Week (and lots more besides!) in our new newsletter! Out now!


HPACP have received some lovely donations from of gloves, hats, socks, and other bits and pieces to make sure we are warm and dry! What a lovely gift!


A reminder that there are no clubs and boosters this week due to Parents’ Evenings meetings! Thank you!


It’s at HPACP TODAY! 📚


There have been some recent reports of chickenpox amongst primary aged children. The link below offers tips on how to spot chickenpox and how best to deal with an outbreak:


Just to clarify Year 2 is closed tomorrow due to industrial action. However, children of critical workers and vulnerable children in this year group should still come to school.


Our new newsletter is out now, and you can read about everything that’s been happening here:


1A enjoying their pancakes this week! 🥞


Save the Children’s teams are operating across northwest Syria and Turkey. The teams are assessing what children and their families need, so we can deliver emergency relief following the Turkey-Syria earthquake.  Donations can be make here:


This week’s newsletter out now. Read it here: Remember, tomorrow is an INSET day, so children are not required at school.


Please note: The Year 5 trip to the Natural History Museum can no longer take place next week. We’ll update you with the rescheduled date soon!


Want to know what we’ve been up to this week? Read all about it here!


This week some lucky children had their first ever group guitar or ukulele lesson! They’re already sounding great!🎸

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















FOI, Privacy Notices, Complaints, Whistle-Blowing, Funding & Charging Policy


Our full charging and remissions policy can be found by following this link, in summary;

Harris Primary Academy Coleraine Park provides a free education for boys and girls of all abilities. However, the Governors of the Academy reserve the right to charge in the following circumstances:

  • Where a parent wishes a child to learn a musical instrument.
  • When a request is made for accreditation in a subject that is not a normal part of the student’s Academy programme; when a request is made for a different form of accreditation to that advised by the Academy; when a student is entered for an examination but fails to sit it, unless the reason is acceptable to the Principal and Chairman of Governors;
  • Where a trip is proposed which is not a compulsory part of the curriculum, parents will be invited to make a contribution to cover the costs involved. This will be on the understanding that if there is insufficient support the proposed trip will not take place.
  • Cost of ingredients or materials for practical subjects, where parents have indicated in advance, a wish to own the finished product.

If you would like a paper copy of the information on our website, please use the form below or contact the school office in person or telephone 020 8808 2045.  There is no charge for this service.


Our full complaints policy can be found further down the page, in summary;

If you are unhappy or have concerns about the academy or a person associated with the academy then you may wish to make a complaint, in the first instance complaints should be addressed to the Head of Academy, Hannah Wakelin, at the Academy at the email address below:
Telephone: 02088082045

If your complaint is about the Principal please contact Rebecca Elwin (PA to the CEO) via the Federation Head Office, 4th Floor Norfolk House, Wellesley Road, Croydon, CRO 1LH or email Please mark as 'Private and Confidential'.

Privacy Notice

Under data protection law, individuals have a right to be informed about how the Federation and its Academies use any personal data about its students.  We, the Harris Federation, comply with this right by providing Privacy Notices to parents/carers and students, as appropriate, where we are processing their personal data.

Harris Federation is the Data Controller for the purposes of data protection law and therefore will determine the purposes for which personal data is processed (the ‘why’ and the ‘how’).  Your Academy and authorised 3rd parties, e.g. ParentPay, process and ‘use’ data on behalf of the Federation and are therefore Data Processors.

We collect and use personal data about the students who attend our Academies, in order to provide an outstanding education.  This personal data includes identifiers such as name, address and contact details of parents/carers, characteristics such as ethnic group, nationality and language, attendance information, test results, medical conditions, and special educational needs information.

This data is used for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Support student learning.
  • Protect student welfare.
  • Monitor and report on student progress.
  • Contact students and parent/carers when we need to.
  • Provide appropriate pastoral care.
  • Assess the quality of the services we provide.
  • Administer admissions waiting lists.

The Federation and its Academies will ensure that all personal data is processed fairly and lawfully, is accurate, is kept secure and is retained for no longer than is necessary.  We do not share personal information about our students with any third party without consent, unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.  For example we are required to pass on some data to the Department of Education (DfE).

See our Privacy notice below to learn how we collect, use, protect and share the personal information about our students.

If you have any question, concerns or would like more information about anything mentioned the Privacy Notice(s), please contact the Federation’s Data Protection Officer (DPO), details below:

Data Protection Officer Harris Federation                                                                                                                           

4th Floor Norfolk House, Wellesley Road, Croydon CR0 1LH. Email: Tel: 0208 253 7777                                                                                                                                 

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives the public right of access to information produced in the course of the Federation’s work. 

There are exemptions to this right. In particular, data about living, identifiable people ('personal data') continues to be covered by the Data Protection Act and is not generally publicly available except to the "subject" of the data - that is, the person whom the data is about.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, the Harris Federation of South London Schools has developed a Publication Scheme which lists all the documents which the Federation will make public as a matter of routine.

If the information you are looking for is not available on our Publication Scheme which can be found further down the page, you can make a request for the information you require in writing, please make sure you read our charging policy for information about cost you may be liable for.

Yours sincerely

Sir Dan Moynihan
Chief Executive Officer


The Academy is part of the Harris Federation for which the annual report, annual audited accounts, memorandum of association, articles of association and funding agreement can be found on this link -

The Academy’s own supplementary funding agreement can be found below. 
